2002 Honda CR-V - Awesome 4WD Crossover in Fort Myers, Florida For Sale
Price: $3,995
Type: Cars, For Sale - Private.
Type: Cars, For Sale - Private.
? : (773) 457-xxxx or (239) 774-xxxx
? : FrankfortAutos.com
Stock #: chxxxx
VIN#: JHLRDxxxx2Cxxxx72
Year: xxxx
Make: Honda
Model: CR-V
Trim: EX 4WD
Interior: Leather
Vehicle Type: SUV
Color: Black
Transmission: Automatic
Engine: 2.4L L4 DOHC 16V
Drive Train: 4WD
Mileage: 1
State: FL
Website: FrankfortAutos.com
Contact: 239-774-xxxx
Contact: 773-457-xxxx
Address: xxxx Terrace Ave., Naples, FL
Please feel free to visit our website or call us to schedule an appointment!
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